The Grief Support group meets twice a month on Friday afternoons, from 2 - 4 pm. Meeting open with brief prayer and inspirational reading, before participants are encouraged to share how they are coping in this safe, sacred space. Grief is unpredictable and can present itself at a moment's notice, and we all handle grief differently. Holidays, seasons, and our own significant dates, birthdays, anniversaries, can bring sudden unexpected, or even anticipated, sadness or anxiety. We encourage tears as they are God's natural and valuable release of pent up emotions.
A member list is always available with dates of upcoming meetings. As we make friends within the group, oftentimes we feel a close kinship with each other and keep in touch by phone. We keep the meeting to an hour or hour and a half, and one member always brings a delicious dessert for our coffee and social time. We enjoy being able to share food and enjoy each other’s company.
During the coronavirus, we are keeping in touch via email, and by phone for those few who don't have email. The group leader is available at any time to visit by phone, text, or online. We are also looking into ZOOM, a way to have meetings online.
Diane Murphy, 530-559-2102 or