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We realize that faith-talk is not easy for many of us grown-up Catholics. But we also know that if God and prayer, faith, hope, and charity are going to be a reality in the lives of our children they will have to hear grown-ups talk about God and hear them pray, and witness their acts of charity. Our Full Family Faith Formation program offers an easy, not too time-consuming way of accomplishing this.
At least one adult; ie., parent, grandparen, guardian, godparent, sponsor or family member (over 18) must attend the 1st and 3rd week Full Family Faith Formation session with the child(ren). The time you spend together in each session is not lesson time. It is sharing time. It is an opportunity for you to share one of the most precious gifts God has given you - your faith. It is a gift that our young people have also been blessed with. They need your help, however, to discover some of its many facets and to make it a conscious part of their lives.
We ask you to take the risk of sharing yourself and your faith with the special young person(s) in your life. Full Family Faith Formation is only twice a month, on either Sunday mornings from 8:45 to 10:15 am or Tuesday afternoons from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. We offer the time, place, material and support to enjoy your time together as you move forward in your faith journey. Take the time and we promise that as the years go by you will not regret it. In the process of helping your youngster "catch" the faith, you will discover how often you find yourself on the receiving end
Coordinator of Religious Education is Kate Laferriere. Kate can be reached with questions at or (530) 889-2254 x104,
*** Volunteer opportunity: Come join us as we discover what God has in store for us each Sunday! Catechists and teen helpers are needed! We would love to have your support!