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FORMED: The Catholic Faith on demand. Get thousands of movies, programs, audio, and books instantly!
Our parish has a FORMED subscription.
To set up your free account, click HERE. Only the name of our parish and your name and email address are required.
Once you have signed up, you can access all FORMED resources, including the following:
To view FORMED content on your mobile device, "there's an app for that"!
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) this ministry prepares adults (and those in their late teen years) for active participation in the Faith. We welcome all those who are interested in inquiring about the Catholic Faith, or coming into full communion with the Catholic Church. These classes are also open to those who are already Catholic and want a deeper understanding of their faith, or for Catholic adults who need to be confirmed.
Please call the office (530) 889-2254, our RCIA Director Karen Sheehan (916) 812-3737 or email us at if you are interested in registering for this program. Classes begin in September.
Download the MyParish app from the Google Play or Apple's App Store. Then search for St. Teresa of Avila Parish. There is a wealth of information available at your fingertips!
The Amen app is the free Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture.
Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.
In God's love, the Eucharistic community of St. Teresa of Avila, Auburn, embraces and welcomes all as part of God's family. We value every parishioner and strive to reflect the mercy, forgiveness, and healing of Jesus Christ.
The Requiem Mass was celebrated at 11.00am on Thursday, January 2nd at Christ the King Church, Turners Cross (3am PST). Please click HERE to watch the recorded Requiem Mass.
A memorial Mass was celebrated by Bishop Jaime Soto at St. Teresa of Avila Church in Auburn, California on Friday, January 17th. Click HERE to view the recording.
May Father Mike rest in peace.
Rosary Group
"For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" -Matthew 18:20
Our parish has an active Rosary group that prays the Rosary every Tuesday – Friday at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel. For more information, please contact Joyce Schwartz at (630)730-4732.
Need help with hearing at Mass?
Assistance devices for the hearing impaired are now available for use at Mass. Please contact the sacristan to check one out. Although we do have headsets available, we advise for the sake of cleanliness that you bring your own – any radio or cellphone earphone should work in our wireless receivers. Please return the hearing devices to the sacristan after Mass.
Calling all Altar Servers!
Please click HERE to signup for this important ministry.
We will have regular altar server training sessions each month and special mandatory training during Advent and Lent in preparation for the special liturgies of Christmas, Passion Week, and Easter.
St. Teresa’s has two levels of servers:
Candle bearers and Cross bearers, which levels are open to everyone of any age who is a baptized Catholic and has received their First Holy Communion.
Candle Bearers are our first level and are filled by servers who are learning the ropes or are still too small to carry the Cross during the Introit and Recessional. After initial training, new servers start at the candle bearer level, which allows them to become accustomed to serving in the liturgy. The candle bearers attend the presiding priest or deacon at the Ambo and back up the cross-bearer, ensuring all necessary items for the altar are ready for Father and assist him with the Lavabo.
When a candle bearer has served, usually at least a year, and is strong enough to carry the crucifix, they graduate to cross-bearer. Cross bearers assist the presiding priest and deacons directly at the altar and with the distribution of Communion.
When cross-bearers have served at least a year, they can, if they wish, also be trained as thurifers to assist Father in incensing the alter during High Masses and Benedictions.
Our parish has a FORMED subscription!
To set up your free account, click HERE. Only the name of our parish and your name and email address are required.
Looking for a place to serve? We have ministries in need of volunteers!
We are in need of altar servers for all Masses. Please contact Brigit Barnes for more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist need additional volunteers - please click HERE for more information about this important liturgical ministry, and for contact information.
Our Music Ministry needs more children and youth to sing in our 10:30am choir. Click HERE for more information about the ministry, and for contact information.
Evening Online Scriptural Rosary with
KofC Auburn Council 6149
Every Sunday from 7:00-8:00pm
My brothers & sisters in Christ,
I would like to offer my thanks and appreciation to all of those who have participated previously in our weekly rosary. May I invite everyone to come and share in this rich tradition of the Church.
During difficult times, our faith tells us that we need to come together in prayer and pray to our Blessed Lord as one people. . In accordance with that tradition, Auburn KofC Council 6149 would like to invite everyone to come and share in the Prayer of the Gospels with us online every Sunday evening at 7:00pm. In each decade the Hail Mary will be preceded by a scripture reading. To view the scripture reading please use the following link for a guide to a scriptural rosary:
Given the time of the year, we will also include the The Litany of Saint Benedict. This prayer can be accessed with the following link:
Leo Tolstoy said "Give me faith, Lord, and let me help others find it."
The Knights of Columbus Auburn Council 6149 would like to offer this scriptural rosary publicly to help others find their faith and come together in common prayer. The rosary is our expression of faith, and we would like to offer this as a service to the Christian community and to those of like mind to come together and pray for the common good.
We are open to questions, comments and feedback in an attempt to make this a more spirituality fulfilling experience. Also, if you have any prayers or intentions that you want to offer, please let me know. Comments, prayers & intentions can be addressed to me at
"If I had an army to say the Rosary, I could conquer the world."
Blessed Pope Pius IX
I hope to see everyone there.
In Christo,
Hugh Paxton
Rosary Chairman
PGK of Auburn Council 6149
Auburn, California
Location: Online
Journey with Christ: The Liturgical Year
Through Him, and with Him, and in Him. O God, Almighty Father,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit, All glory and honor is Yours,
For ever and ever. (Holy Mass)
“Holy Church celebrates the saving work of Christ on prescribed days in the course of the year with sacred remembrance. Each week, on the day called the Lord's Day, she commemorates the Resurrection of the Lord, which she also celebrates once a year in the great Paschal Solemnity, together with his blessed Passion. In fact, throughout the course of the year the Church unfolds the entire mystery of Christ and...
(click here for full article)